Jan 30, 2023
The world is in economic instability right now and one of my biggest predictions for 2023 is that business owners are going to have to get savvy about how they spend their dollars. In today's episode of the podcast, I share some terrible areas you can spend dollars and some savvy ways to spend for rapid profit...
Jan 23, 2023
What are money values? And why are they important to understand as a business owner? In today's episode, I have all the answers to those questions so you can explode your profit.
Full shownotes at https://clarewood.com/podcast/episode193
Jan 16, 2023
On my recent holiday, I saved thousands in some areas, and splurged in others. In today's episode, I share how money played a part in the holiday experience both before and during the trip, as well as share how your money values can effect your decision-making when it comes to your personal and business finances.
Jan 9, 2023
2023 could be a game-changer for you! In today's episode, I share 3 simple things you can do now that will have huge, positive affects on your business and life this year. These strategies have the potential to be transformative.
Full shownotes at https://clarewood.com/podcast/episode191
Jan 2, 2023
The end of year is always a great time to look forward into the future and what you dream of. In the final part of the series, I'm joined by my biz besties Anita Siek and Steph Taylor to look at what success looks like for me in 2023.
Full shownotes for https://clarewood.com/podcast/episode190